Traditionally the Seder table includes three pieces of Matzah and a spare cup of wine for the prophet Elijah.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons
This is Del. Sandy Rosenberg’s 35th year representing northwest Baltimore in the House of Delegates, and it’s the third time in those 35 years that the first night of Passover, when Jewish families traditionally gather for the ritual Seder, has fallen on Sine Die, the last night of the Maryland General Assembly session. The last time was in 1990.
“So as we say, why is this Sine Die different from all other Sine Dies?” Rosenberg said.
The state Constitution says the legislative session must start on the second Wednesday in January and end 90 days later, at midnight. The last day is easily the busiest of the session, as members make last-ditch efforts to pass new laws. Being absent isn’t an option.
So this year, the House and Senate leaders have agreed to coordinate their dinner breaks to allow for a one-hour Seder Monday night.