Last week, in response to the alarming rise of COVID-19 cases, Gov. Larry Hogan ordered all state employees who can telework to do so.
“Effective immediately all state employees who are approved to telework must again begin a period of mandatory telework except for essential direct public facing services and other essential personnel,” Hogan said at a press conference on Nov. 10.
Earlier that day, state Budget Secretary David Brinkley, whose office oversees personnel matters, sent a memo to all cabinet secretaries and agency heads.
“Physical distancing remains one of the strongest tools against this virus and teleworking provides our employees with that protection while allowing them to continue to deliver vital services to our citizens,” he wrote.
However, the Maryland branch of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, or AFSCME, the state’s largest employee union, says the governor’s announcement did not change the number of employees teleworking at state agencies or lead to changes that would allow them to more easily telework.